However, I thought it would be a good time to address a financial topic this week, especially as so many people are currently in financial turmoil, laid off, working part time, or simply watching as their stock portfolios plunge in a sickening roller coaster ride of volatility.
Fortunately, at least the latter aspect is not much of a concern for me or for most our clients at the office, since so many of us utilize Bank On Yourself® as an integral part of our financial plan. While there is not a lot we can do to prevent our clients from losing their jobs, at least the plans we design for them can help keep them from losing their shirts in the market!
A prospective client recently asked me what are the main benefits of the Bank On Yourself strategy, and after taking the time to enumerate the three aspects that are most important to me, I thought it might be fun to share my response with you as well. Read on to find out why I'm such a huge proponent of Bank On Yourself, and why I choose this method over all the other popular financial vehicles out there as the core of my financial plan.